Monday 17 May 2010

Mortal Coil

Mortal Coil! I really want to know what colour the next front cover will be. I was thinking 60% Orange, 20% Brown, and 10% yellow. Though, none of them might be the right colour.
Anyway, Bye!!!

Skulguggery Pleasant Book Series

It appears that there are going to be 9 books in the Skulduggery Pleasant series. Heres a list of the first four and their names and their colours:
1. Skullduggery Pleasant (Red)
2. Skulduggery Pleasant, Playing With Fire (Green)
3. Skulduggery Pleasant, The Faceless Ones (Blue)
4. Skulduggery Pleasant, Dark Days (Purple)
The fifth book is called Mortal Coil, and will be out in September 2010!!! I cannot wait. In the fourth book, Valkyrie is going to have a younger sibling. I really am excited about it. But, September is really far away.
Anyway, thats all from me. Bye!!!

Skulduggery Pleasant Book 4

Skulduggery Pleasant the 4th book, Dark Days, was my favourite. I hope you enjoy it to. Oh, yeah, by the way, this is a really big spoiler, so turn away!
Valkyrie is on a mission. A mission with out Skulduggery. Skulduggery Pleasant is lost in the mysterious land of the Faceless Ones. Valkyrie needs to find him, before its to late....................
The Ithmus Anchor was destroyed, so there's no way to get Skulduggery back. But Valkyrie soon finds out that she can use Skulduggery's real skull instead. He lost his skull, and won a different one playing poker, so now all Valkyrie has to do is find it.
After searching and searching, she comes across a dealer who has his skull. It turns out that the skull was a fake. The dealer sold it to someone with a higher price. After loads more searching, she finds his skull.
She then goes into the portal and sees the faceless ones.
Will Valkyrie find Skulduggery and make it out alive?
Will they even make it before the portal closes?
What will happen?
If you really want to know, read the book.

Or, just post a comment if you want to ask a question.

Skulduggery PLeasant Book 3

The third Skulduggery Book was a joy to read. In this book, they visit a horrible, grumpy, old, Sea Hag. Teleporters have been murdered and they find a dead one at the bottom of the Sea Hag's Lake. They try to bury him on land, but the Sea Hag was furious and nearly kills Valkyrie.
After researching, they find out that a man named Batu (who is the head of the diablerie) killed all the teleporters. But, Batu didn't kill one teleporter. And that teleporter is called Fletcher Renn.
Batu left Fletcher to live, so he could use him. Batu wanted to open a portal from this world to the next. If he did, then the Faceless Ones (monsters who were punished, and put on a different planet) would come. The only way to open the portal was to get the Isthmus Anchor and a teleporter.
Since Fletcher Renn was only a boy, he was very foolish and agreed to join them.
If you want to find out the rest, I would definately suggest that you read it. Skulduggery Pleasant books rule!!!

Sunday 16 May 2010

Skulduggery PLeasant Book 2

More magic, loads more mystery and a whole lot of monsters. The sequal of Skulduggery Pleasant is great. Read how they are stuck in a labyrinth with a deadly monster, encounter a horible seceret, and are hated by nearly everyone.

In this life- threatening adventure, they only have each other to defeat the monsters.
The END OF THE WORLD??? Over his dead body.

Skulguggery Pleasant Book 1

Magic, mystery, monsters, and a witty, fire-wielding skeleton are all elements that make Skulduggery Pleasant so good.. It all begins with the mysterious death of Gordon Edgley. He was a noted author of fantasy novels that amazed his niece, Stephanie. His death triggers Skulduggery’s investigation of the Scepter of the Ancients, an all-powerful relic that exiled the old gods. But Stephanie is now the target of forces in search of the Scepter that are looking to control its power to their own evil needs. Will Stephanie discover who’s behind her Uncle’s death? Will Skulduggery get revenge on his arch nemesis? Is magic all it’s cracked up to be?

The first thing that caught my attention with this in this fun new novel was the cover: a picture of a skeleton wearing a suit with a fire ball being conjured in his hands. Of course I’m going to check it out and see what this is about! This also begins to illustrate what a creative cast this book holds. Skulduggery Pleasant, first and foremost, a “living" skeleton with the use of magic at his disposal; Stephanie Edgley, a stubborn twelve year old; Nefarious Serpine, an evil sorcerer bent on obtaining ultimate power are only a few of the characters that come to life.

The plot is not complicated and has load of intense fighting schenes, and there are many twists and turns, which make it very interesting.

China Sorrows Profile

Hi! I've been searching everywhere to find information on China Sorrows. China's profile was the hardest to gather information because she just so secerative. Anyway, heres her profile:
Name: China Sorrows
Gender: Female
Location: Ireland
Occupation: Collector
Interest: Collecting things, and knowing all the current stuff
About Me: "No Comment"
Loves: Antiques and rare items
Weakness: Anger

Fletcher Renn

Hi! After doing loads of research, I have compiled something very TOP SECERET. So TOP SECERET, that if it fell into the wrong hands, terrible, indiscribibale things would happen. Wait a minute, didn't I just discribe it??? Anyway, here's Fletcher Renn's Profile:
Name: Fletcher Renn
Gender: Male
Origin: Ireland
Occupation: Teleporter
Interest: Teleporting and listening to music
About Me: No one in the world can teleport, except me!!!"
Loves: Rock Concerts
Weakness: Scary Stuff

Tanith Low Profile

Hi! I did some researching, and I made a profile of Tanith Low. Hope you like it:
Name: Tanith Low
Gender: Female
Origin: London, England
Job: Professional troublemaker
Interests: Hitting people, sometimes kicking, and not to mention punching stuff
About me: "Well, unlike some people I know,I can actually dance"
Loves: Long chats
Weakness: Nothting???

Ghastle Bespoke Profile

I did some researching, and I made a profile of Ghastly Bespoke. Hope you like it:
Name: Ghastly Bespoke
Gender: Male
Origin: Dublin, Ireland
Job: Tailor
Interest: Making clothes, boxing, and dogs
About Me: "I like people who nice and friendly"
Loves: Listening to Music
Weakness: LOst of others

Valkrie Cain Profile

I did some researching, and I made a profile of Valkyrie Cain/Stephanie Edgely:
Name: Valkyrie Cain/Stephanie Edgely
Gender: Female
Origin: Haggard, Dublin, Ireland
Job: Detective assistant
Interest: Martial Arts
About Me: "I'm not telling you ANYTHING!!!So There!"
Loves: Books written by George Edgley
Weakness: Her parents and her new sibling

Skulguggery Pleasant

I did some researching, and I made a profile of Skulduggery Pleasant. Hope you like it:
Name: SKulduggery Pleasant
Gender: Male
Origin: Dublin, Ireland
Job: Detective
Interest: Saving the world

About Me: "I would love to give you information about me, but you could be working for the Diablere, or Dusk, or any enemy. And if you were, I'd have to kill you. And we wouldn't want that, would we???"
Loves: His crazy car. the Bentely

Weakness: His family


Skulguggery Pleasant

I am Skulduggery Pleasant CRAZY!!! I love its books. Currently, I have read all four. I can not wait for the fifth one to come out. If you hav not read the books, I would definately recommend it.